The Nearbound approach emerges as a beacon of innovation and effectiveness in digital marketing and community building. This strategy isn’t just about creating content; it’s about constructing a content pyramid that resonates deeply with your community, driving engagement, and fostering lasting relationships. Let’s dive into the Nearbound Community Content Pyramid, exploring its layers from the foundation to the pinnacle, and discover how it can supercharge your narrative, brand, and the attention and intention of your audience.


A Nearbound Community Content Pyramid 

Pillar Content 

Window Content 

Events: The Foundation for Your Content Pyramid 

  • Supercharge Your Narrative 
  • Supercharge Your Brand 
  • Supercharge Attention and Intention 

Concluding with the GOAT of Pyramid Content 

Learning to Get Out of the Way to Make Room for Partners 

The Agency Partner Perspective 

Funnel → Bowtie → Capital Efficient Nearbound Flywheel 

  • Leading Customer Success with Partnerships: Building a Certification Program at Drift & The Pirate Island Problem 
  • You down with IPP? 
  • Setting Sail to Pirate Island: An Overlay and a Ride Along 


A Nearbound Community Content Pyramid

At the heart of Nearbound for Community lies the Content Pyramid—a structured, strategic approach to content creation that ensures each piece serves a purpose within your larger marketing ecosystem. This pyramid isn’t static; it’s a dynamic framework designed to evolve with your community’s needs, interests, and engagement levels. It starts with the foundation, built on meaningful, substantial content, and narrows to more specific, targeted pieces at the top, creating a comprehensive strategy that addresses every facet of your community’s journey with your brand.

Pillar Content

Pillar content forms the base of your Nearbound Content Pyramid, acting as the cornerstone around which all other content revolves. These are your most substantial pieces—deep dives into topics that not only interest your community but also establish your brand as a thought leader in your space. Pillar content is rich, informative, and often evergreen, providing value that persists beyond the publishing date. It’s the content that answers the big questions, solves the pressing problems, and sparks meaningful conversations within your community.

Window Content

Moving up the pyramid, Window Content offers a glimpse into the specific aspects of your broader topics, breaking down complex ideas into more digestible, focused pieces. This layer aims to engage community members by exploring niche subjects or trends, providing fresh perspectives, and offering actionable insights. Window Content serves as the bridge between your foundational pillar content and the more dynamic, interactive layers above, ensuring a seamless flow of information and engagement across your content strategy.

Events: The Foundation for Your Content Pyramid

Events, both virtual and in-person, serve as a critical foundation for the Nearbound Content Pyramid, offering unique opportunities for live engagement, feedback, and community building. These gatherings, whether webinars, workshops, or conferences, bring your content to life, transforming passive consumers into active participants. Events not only enrich your community’s experience but also generate a wealth of content ideas and materials that can be repurposed across other layers of the pyramid, amplifying your reach and impact.

Supercharge Your Narrative

The power of a well-crafted narrative cannot be overstated. As you ascend the Nearbound Content Pyramid, the focus shifts to supercharging your narrative—elevating your brand’s story in a way that resonates emotionally and intellectually with your community. This involves weaving your values, mission, and unique selling propositions into every piece of content, creating a cohesive, compelling narrative that captivates your audience and strengthens their connection to your brand.

Supercharge Your Brand

To supercharge your brand is to infuse every layer of the Content Pyramid with the essence of what makes your brand unique. It’s about consistency in voice, quality, and messaging, ensuring that every piece of content, from the foundational events to the pinnacle of the pyramid, reflects your brand’s identity and values. This not only enhances brand recognition and loyalty but also positions your brand as a reliable, authoritative source in your industry.

Supercharge Attention and Intention

Ascending further, the focus shifts to supercharging attention and intention—capturing your community’s focus and directing it towards meaningful actions. This involves crafting content that not only grabs attention through compelling headlines and visuals but also holds it by delivering substantial value. It’s about creating content that encourages engagement, participation, and conversion, guiding your community members from passive observers to active participants and advocates for your brand.

Concluding with the GOAT of Pyramid Content

At the pinnacle of the Nearbound Content Pyramid sits the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) of content—pieces that epitomize the best of your brand’s narrative, expertise, and community engagement. These are the viral blog posts, the landmark webinars, the groundbreaking case studies—content that transcends the ordinary to become something your community rallies around and shares far and wide. The GOAT of Pyramid Content doesn’t just happen; it’s the result of strategic planning, deep understanding of your audience, and the cumulative impact of every layer below it.

By meticulously crafting each layer of the Nearbound Community Content Pyramid, from the foundational pillar content to the pinnacle of supercharged narratives and brand identity, brands can cultivate a vibrant, engaged community. This structured yet flexible approach ensures that every piece of content serves a strategic purpose, fostering deeper connections and driving meaningful engagement.

Learning to Get Out of the Way to Make Room for Partners

Embracing Nearbound means recognizing the value that partners bring to the table and creating space within your strategies to harness this potential fully. It’s about moving beyond the confines of traditional marketing and sales silos to foster a collaborative environment where partners can contribute their unique insights, content, and networks. This shift requires a certain level of openness and flexibility, allowing partners to co-create and share ownership of the narrative and the community you’re building together. By “getting out of the way,” brands can tap into the collective strength of their ecosystem, leading to more innovative, resonant, and diverse content and engagement strategies.

The Agency Partner Perspective

From the perspective of agency partners, Nearbound represents an opportunity to deepen their engagement with brands and contribute more significantly to mutual success. Agencies, with their specialized expertise and external viewpoints, can offer fresh insights and approaches that enrich the Nearbound Content Pyramid. However, for this collaboration to be fruitful, there must be a clear alignment of goals, transparency in communication, and a shared commitment to the community’s success. Agencies thrive in a Nearbound ecosystem by not just executing tasks but by becoming strategic contributors to the brand’s narrative and community engagement efforts.

Funnel → Bowtie → Capital Efficient Nearbound Flywheel

The evolution from a traditional marketing funnel to a bowtie model, and ultimately to a capital-efficient Nearbound flywheel, reflects a shift towards a more inclusive, holistic view of customer and partner engagement. While the funnel represents a linear process culminating in a sale, the bowtie model acknowledges the ongoing relationship post-sale, focusing on customer success, advocacy, and expansion. The Nearbound flywheel, however, encapsulates the dynamic, self-reinforcing nature of partnerships, community engagement, and customer advocacy. It’s a model that recognizes the continuous and interconnected contributions of all ecosystem members, driving momentum and growth through collective effort and shared value.

Leading Customer Success with Partnerships: Building a Certification Program at Drift & The Pirate Island Problem

A tangible example of Nearbound in action is Drift’s approach to leading customer success through partnerships, specifically through the creation of a certification program. This initiative not only empowered customers but also deepened the engagement with agency partners, creating a virtuous cycle of learning, certification, and implementation. The “Pirate Island Problem,” wherein customers find themselves isolated in their efforts to implement and optimize new solutions, was addressed by fostering a supportive ecosystem of certified partners. This collaborative approach ensured that customers had access to the expertise and support necessary for success, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

You down with IPP? (Intellectual Property Partnerships)

Intellectual Property Partnerships (IPP) represent a strategic layer within the Nearbound approach, where brands and partners co-create and share intellectual property to mutual benefit. This collaborative creation and distribution of IP enhance the value and reach of the content, driving engagement and establishing thought leadership across the ecosystem. IPPs encourage innovation and offer a competitive edge by leveraging the collective expertise and insights of the community.

Setting Sail to Pirate Island: An Overlay and a Ride Along

The journey to “Pirate Island” symbolizes the adventurous, exploratory nature of adopting a Nearbound approach, particularly in how brands and partners navigate the challenges of implementation and optimization together. By providing an “overlay” and a “ride-along” experience, brands can guide their partners and customers through uncharted waters, ensuring they have the support, resources, and guidance needed to succeed. This collaborative journey not only addresses the “Pirate Island Problem” but also strengthens the bonds within the community, fostering a sense of shared purpose and achievement.


The Nearbound approach for community and content marketing is fundamentally about embracing collaboration, innovation, and shared value. By building strategic partnerships, fostering a dynamic ecosystem, and continuously iterating and expanding strategies, brands can supercharge their narrative, brand, and community engagement. This holistic, inclusive approach not only drives capital efficiency but also cultivates a vibrant, engaged community that propels the brand forward.

For more insights into leveraging Nearbound strategies and building robust partnerships and communities, visit Here, you’ll find a wealth of resources and guidance to navigate the evolving landscape of marketing and community building in the trust economy.